About Nicholas Grogan

Posts by Nicholas Grogan

Do I need to invest in complex investments?

Some believe they need to invest in more complex financial instruments to get higher returns. However, it’s important to evaluate whether these investments are necessary and will help you achieve your financial goals. What are complex investments? Complex investments are financial instruments that are more intricate in nature, come with higher risks, increased costs, and

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How do I top up my State Pension?

The State Pension is as close to a guaranteed source of income as you can get. If you have paid enough National Insurance for 35 years, you will receive the full amount, which is currently £203.85 per week or £10,600 per year. This amount will likely continue rising due to the triple lock guarantee, which

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Do goals matter that much to financial planning?

A common question from clients pertains to the importance of setting goals in financial planning. The answer is that goals play a pivotal role in financial planning. Goals provide direction to financial planning. Individuals and families need to establish precise financial objectives to determine their priorities and aspirations. These objectives may vary, from immediate ones,

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What is home bias?

When providing investment advice, we may discuss the idea of home bias and its potential impact. Home bias describes the tendency for investors to put a larger portion of their portfolio into assets within their own country, like stocks and bonds. For example, a UK investor with a home bias would have a higher percentage

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Should I consolidate my pensions?

LCP, a pensions consultancy that counts former pensions minister Sir Steve Webb amongst its employees, has published a guide looking at the pros and cons of someone combining all their pensions in one pot. To a certain extent, the guide is aimed at those looking to consolidate their workplace pensions, but the points covered can

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What is factor investing?

Factor investing is a specific way to approach investing. This approach targets specific drivers of returns across asset classes and can help improve returns and enhance diversification. How does factor investing differ from traditional investing? When looking at investing styles, there are two ends of the spectrum. At one end, you have purely active managers.

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What do bear markets look like?

We tell our clients that investing is risky. However, it is during bear markets that this becomes real. Like most fears, the best way to deal with them is to understand them, know your options, and be confident that they will pass. What is a bear market? A bear market occurs when the value of

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What can I do to close the gender pension gap?

New research [1] has exposed the staggering impact of the gender pension gap.  The study shows that women have smaller pension pot sizes in every age bracket, and the situation worsens the closer retirement gets. Worryingly, women, on average, retire with less than half the income of men. Reduction in amounts paid into pensions  The amount

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5 financial aspects to consider when divorcing

From 6 April 2022, no-fault divorce came into effect in England and Wales. No-fault divorce is a long-awaited revolution in family law, finally removing the need for blame as a basis for divorce. The result is that the only ground for divorce is that the marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down’. No one enters into a

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What are the main parts of a financial plan?

Many initially seek financial advice because they want help with something like a pension or making intelligent investment decisions. However, pensions or investments are only a means to an end which is to help you pursue your goals. An advisor cannot manage a portfolio or create a robust financial plan unless they have a holistic

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What is Relevant Life Cover?

Life insurance cover is a benefit large companies often offer their staff as a perk. The problem is that for small businesses, the cost of taking out a group insurance scheme may be too expensive. Relevant life insurance is a potential solution that works out much cheaper than taking out cover personally. What is relevant

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What is Business Property Relief?

Business Property Relief (BPR) is an Inheritance Tax (IHT) exemption applied to the assets of a private trading business when they pass from one generation to the next. Most shares in private trading companies, or interests in unincorporated businesses such as a sole proprietor, or partner, will receive 100% business relief from IHT after 2

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Is the default fund in my pension any good?

You might not be interested or feel comfortable in choosing where your retirement savings are invested. If this is the case, then it is likely you have the money in your pension invested into the provider’s default pension fund. We are never going to criticise providers for making it easier for people to invest their

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What does the Autumn Budget 2021 mean for me?

Against a backdrop of the continuing pandemic, global supply chain issues, plus significant concerns over rising energy prices and inflation, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has delivered his third UK Budget announcement. So, what was announced? No changes to income tax rates The Government has again stood by its election promise not to raise income tax rates.

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Is salary sacrifice more attractive since the introduction of the Health & Social Care Levy?

We have written previously about how employees exchanging part of their salary and/or bonus for increased pension contributions has become common. We explained how this can be far more attractive than the employee making a direct pension contribution on his/her own behalf. Attractions of salary sacrifice Contributions paid out of an employee’s after-tax pay are

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Do the recent tax changes mean I should look at taking a dividend or bonus from my business again?

The social care announcement on 7 September 2021 increased both national insurance (NICs) and dividend tax from 2022/23. In addition, the March Budget revised corporation tax rates from 2023/24. The combined effect of these announcements might shift the decision of whether to take a dividend or not from your business. We have looked at some examples to see where these shifts might have taken

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How often should I look at my portfolio?

Your portfolio represents your future. It is only natural to want to check how your investments are doing. How often you need to do this depends on the type of investor you are. Speculators who constantly buy and sell individual stocks will monitor performance frequently, perhaps daily. Those investing for the long term with robust

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Why do I own bonds which do not pay me much?

In today’s markets, bond yields are low and those of high-quality bonds are the lowest. In addition, they could quite feasibly crash too with interest rate rises. So why have bonds in a portfolio? It is quite straightforward. Imagine you only hold equities with a portfolio of £200,000. The economy takes a turn for the

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What does my portfolio invest into?

What is an equity (or share)? An equity (or share) represents ownership of part of a company. This gives you a right to your share of any dividends paid and a claim on the company’s assets. Returns from equities come from changes in the price of the shares and dividends paid out. Are all equities

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What is investing?

This may seem an obvious question with an obvious answer. In some ways it is. We believe investing to be the means of building wealth to fund lifestyle and personal choices. It is a slow, emotional, and sometimes painful process requiring a robust plan, patiently executed over many years. Anyone hoping to get rich quick

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What are dog funds?

The number of underperforming, or “dog”, funds has risen by a third this year, new data has shown. This is partly due to the gulf between the performance of different styles of investing. The pandemic has exacerbated this, but value and income investing have lagged behind growth investing for a while. How bad could having

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Do I have too much in cash savings?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused massive job losses across the country. But some households have been saving more money than ever [1]. For these households, they have a choice which could have a big impact on their future wealth. This is the choice between saving or investing. More money to invest than usual The

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What are some good financial habits?

Paying yourself first Before you pay any bills, consider paying yourself first. This means saving and investing a portion of your earnings before you do anything else with your money. In the book The Richest Man in Babylon, written by George S. Clason, the parables are told by a fictional Babylonian character called Arkad, a

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Should I start my year-end tax planning now?

Last year, Autumn arrived without an Autumn Budget. In fairness, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, had already presented one 2020 Budget. This took place last March, and the pandemic made forecasting for 2021/22 all but impossible. The result was that, for the second year running, the Budget was deferred to the Spring. Whether Mr Sunak’s job

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How can I stop “sleepwalking” into retirement?

Around three in four people risk outliving their savings in retirement, a report looking into the impact of the pension freedoms indicates. The research found evidence many retirees risk potentially running their pension savings down. It termed this as “sleepwalking into retirement”. The study examined retirement planning and spending habits following the introduction of pension

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Why do you believe dividend investing is flawed?

We have written a post previously about focusing on income when investing. I wanted to go into some of the evidence behind focusing on income when investing not being the best strategy. When looking at this, there is probably no more famous theory in Finance than Modigliani/Miller. Known as the Dividend Irrelevance Hypothesis it says investors should not worry about

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How could the change to RPI affect me?

Buried amongst the other announcements made on 25 November was a paper from the Treasury looking at measures of inflation. It revealed a decision about replacing the Retail Prices Index (RPI) with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) including owner-occupied housing costs (CPIH). The RPI has not been an official National Statistic since 2013 because of serious deficiencies

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Can I buy property with my pension?

All registered pension schemes can (in theory at least) invest in property, including land, either in the UK or overseas. Pension schemes can invest directly in property, but many choose to invest indirectly using pooled vehicles. These include unit trusts, open-ended investment companies (OEICs) or real estate investment trusts (REITs). As well as allowing smaller

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How should I take my profits from my business?

When business owners choose how to take their profits, there is a compelling argument in favour of pension contributions. Dividends may still be the preferred route for most. However, changes in how they are taxed may drive more directors who do not need the income to use employer pension contributions instead. Remember, since April 2018,

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Do I need critical illness cover?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused many households to reassess their financial defences with the purchase of protection insurance. The diagnosis of a serious illness can mean a tough time for your health and your wealth. If you were to become critically ill and could not earn a living, would your family cope financially? Our

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Is my money locked away if I invest?

It is always important to manage expectations when investing. We often get questions about whether there is an explicit time someone must invest for how accessible the money is. How long do I have to invest for? If you are investing in an investment account or an ISA, then technically you could invest the money

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What is financial wellbeing?

I have always been passionate about helping people feel more financially confident and achieve financial security. What this can be boiled down to is increasing financial wellbeing. The Financial Wellbeing Book, published in 2016, laid out five parts to financial wellbeing: A clear path to identifiable objectives Control of daily finances Ability to cope with

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How could the US Election affect my portfolio?

Many investors are worried about the US election’s effect on the stock market. One school of thought is a Biden victory could lead to measures that would hit businesses. Another asserts the stock market prefers Republican victories. What does the data say? The logic of efficient markets is that anticipated events do not impact prices.

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Is pensions tax relief safe for now?

The Government has rejected the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)’s proposal that HMRC should evaluate pensions tax relief. The concern was HRMC did not understand the impact of some of the UK’s largest tax reliefs which includes pension tax relief. The committee called for a formal review, but the Government disagreed. They pointed to several recent consultations

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How could COVID affect my planned retirement?

The Institute for Fiscal Studies the effect of the pandemic on those nearing the end of their working lives. In a new Briefing Note, the IFS investigated how workers aged 50 and over have reacted to the pandemic. This has included how their retirement plans have already been affected by the crisis. What were the findings?

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When should I start planning my retirement?

The Money & Pensions Service (MaPS) has undertaken some research among people aged 50-70 with some pension savings besides the State Pension. The results make disturbing reading: 37% of over 50s are leaving their retirement financial planning until their final two years before retirement or won’t prepare at all 35% of retirees said they left financial

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What has NS&I done to its savings rates?

National Savings & Investments has significantly cut the rates it offers to savers. Savings analysts have long kept one eye on NS&I’s next move. The bank helps to fund the Government’s spending, so it has to balance the rates paid to savers with the cost to the Treasury. NS&I had planned cuts earlier this year.

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Does my business need shareholder protection?

Imagine a scenario where your business partner and fellow director has died. Your business partner’s wealth, including their share of the business, passes down to their family. This poses significant potential risks to your company. They could become involved in business decisions they know nothing about. They could also sell the shares without your consent

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How could Capital Gains Tax change?

As well as reviewing the operation of capital gains tax (CGT), the Chancellor asked the Office of Tax Simplification to consider “opportunities to simplify the tax”. What changes could emerge and what could this mean for financial planning strategies for our clients? Charging capital gains made by individuals to income tax If you are taxed

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Should I invest my money or pay off my debts?

You may have some spare money some surplus income. Either way, you might be thinking about what is best to do with this. Is it better to invest or repay your debts early? Paying off your debt could mean means reduced stress, and a greater ability to withstand personal emergencies, recessions, and depressions. Investing means

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Should I still be investing in Commercial Property?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is floating the idea of new rules designed to improve investor experiences in open-ended UK Commercial Property Funds. Most are currently suspended due to uncertainties on the value of the properties because of the COVID pandemic. In the past, they have placed restrictions on withdrawals due to a lack of

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What is a Discounted Gift Trust?

The discounted gift scheme is an arrangement which allows you to make a gift for inheritance tax (IHT) purposes while retaining the right to a fixed income (in the form of regular withdrawals) for your lifetime (or until the trust fund is exhausted). Firstly, from the amount of capital which is to be gifted you

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How can invest for a child?

Investing for the financial future of children and grandchildren are key areas of concern for parents and grandparents. This can be for various reasons including funding education or helping them to buy a house in the future. There are special rules to consider when investments are made for the benefit of, or on behalf of,

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Am I better off managing my portfolio myself?

DIY investors now have unprecedented access to investment information and markets. This has levelled the informational playing field between them and professional investors. Even though you may have the tools to do manage your own portfolio, should you go down the DIY route? What you need to be a successful investor Time and interest You

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Is Capital Gains Tax going to increase?

On 14 July it emerged the Chancellor had written a letter to the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) requesting it ‘undertake a review of Capital Gains Tax (CGT)’. Curiously, there was no announcement of the letter on the Treasury website. The tone of the correspondence is distinctly different from Mr Hammond’s letter requesting a simplification

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Can investing into a VCT help me?

Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) have always been viewed as highly useful when looking at someone’s tax planning. Over time VCTs have become more mainstream and for certain clients are just another way to invest tax efficiently. VCTs are publicly-listed companies which invest money in small UK businesses who are not quoted on the main stock

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Could we have a wealth tax in the UK?

It is no secret the Government debt has reached epic levels. With interest rates being as low as they are, it is accepted that servicing the debt may not be as challenging as the size of the debt would (superficially at least) indicate. Low to negative yield Government Bonds (Gilts) are being bought by the

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What is the basis of good financial planning?

First-principles thinking helps reverse-engineer complicated problems. The idea is to break something down to its base elements. We can then reassemble them from the ground up. This approach was used by the philosopher Aristotle. Elon Musk and Charlie Munger are among those who use it now. It allows them to cut through the fog of

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